Tunable Dispersion Compensator
Tunable chromatic dispersion compensators or (tunable dispersion compensator) are fully integrated modules offering a wide bandwidth and extended dispersion range to support all 40 Gb / s modulation formats. Based on TeraXion’s proven FBG technology, these ready-to-use modules incorporate a circulator and all the necessary electronic components. They exist in compact dimensions for industry or Benchtop version. With its built-in channel selector, the ClearSpectrum ™ -TDCMX allows the user to optimize the dispersion of a link for any channel, regardless of the channel grid. These features help improve system flexibility and enable DWDM systems at higher speeds, while benefiting from higher design margins.
ClearSpectrum-LDC is a compact, adjustable locking dispersion compensator for dispersion correction for high-speed reconfigurable optical telecommunications networks.